Initial Data

Initial data… Oh My God, how essential it is, that initial data! It is something that we have no control over. Something that at times we despise; something that bothers and irritates us. Our body, figure, hair, the shape of our hands and feet… The brain can just explode when it comes to this topic… Yeah, there are basic things like nose and lips… But then there are also these things: the length of the legs and their shape, thick wrists, short neck… No surgeon can solve such problems. Chubby calves??? Oh My God! Ugly toes? Strange nail plate??? Weird-looking boobs?! This all is just nonsense!

What to do if you are a shortie, with a heavy low butt, and a wide bone structure? How does one not go crazy in the world of Reshetova, Miranda and even Sedokova??? What sane guy would want you? What to suck and implant to at least slightly match these pictures from Instagram??? Who would have thought that social networks would impose a new way of life, role models, and new ideals on us. Who generates these ideals at all? Where does this evil sorceress reside, while setting the rules and tone for all these Instagram maniacs?

Yes, 100 percent, it is necessary to stop indulging food all the time. Would be better to not eat at all. Turn into a wild demon, count calories and, as the network “geniuses” like to say, consume less than you spend. You can also “get sick”, exercise intensely after each consumed egg on a treadmill or a bike, do fitness after each “freaky” meal… And why do it all??? Because the initial data is shitty, bitch. So what, damn it?! So what I am not like anyone else! I will defeat you all now!

Eh, no, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to defeat genes. Especially what we inherit physically. Crooked legs? Yes, sometimes. So what, that’s it??? Yes, there is no way to straighten them. How to keep living like that???
I recently spoke with a professional model, and our chat got me thinking. She is tall, skinny. She has a slim bone structure. She’s practically “small”, yet tall. She possesses perfect genes — she is lucky. Simultaneously, she has excellent skin and Pat McGrath can even draw Dasha Zhukova on her face, if it would be necessary. Yes, her appearance made her the person she is now. She is a model “from God”. We look at her, admire her, and desire to be like her… We like her, men like her pictures, and we want to be the same way she is. However. With all the heart desires and even complete refusal to eat, we will never be like her. Because mom, I’m sorry, but you’re a shortie, and I inherited it. All our lives we have been fighting with these “starting points”, and we go nuts.

It is upsetting that throughout life some people do not realize that not everyone in this world should be skinny. For some, this may be unnatural. I am not saying that being fat is good, it’s unhealthy at the very least. Yet, is there something between skinny and fat? Some kind of golden middle? Why not strive for it?

The main reason why I have never pursued my career in show business or fashion is because I have never been skinny! Theoretically, I too could go nuts and stop eating. I would obtain the slim figure, and then the world of fashion, for example, would suddenly accept me. Until that happens, the fashion world would not even consider me in its echelon. Here is something people in this industry would say, “you are not thin, so we will not be able to view you as a serious player.” And those are the most important people in the fashion industry. I’m not referring to models. I’m talking about people behind the camera: editors, stylists, photographers, etc.

In fashion (I’m not just talking about the models, rather about this business as a whole), almost everyone suffers from eating disorders. Some individuals have never been seen with food at all, such as Anna Dello Russo. Furthermore, some endure all day without any food until evening, and then they get drunk as hell and vomit later. Rumor has it that the mother of the Hadid sisters, Yolanda Foster (the once famous model herself), observes the digestion of her daughters like an eagle. Before their professional careers, girls looked very different, but their mother put them on a strict nutrition schedule. Do you want a hamburger? No problem, just bring it back later!
So, from the pages of magazines, Instagram feed, etc. 50 kilogram
“dolls” are looking at us, and okay, we, adult women, already know how to endure such pictures peacefully… But what about our daughters???How do we raise our daughters so that they do not succumb to the influence and pressure of the media and at some point do not get sick with the idea of being as skinny as those girls in the pictures? My friends and I have daughters growing up, and they are just entering the thin ice of adolescence, when it is vital to know how to communicate with them correctly. I have never suffered from an eating disorder, but I’m very curious about how an anorexic or bulimic mom would raise her daughter? Would she want the same path for her offspring? Or would she just assume that this is not a problem?

My daughter loves to eat. She gets crazy when she sees anything sweet. I’ve noticed that sugar literally has gained control over her. I mean, you can basically say, that she is waiting for the next day just to “eat something sweet”, and to be frank, this scares me. How can I properly communicate with her on this topic and not trigger an early development of an eating disorder in her? Recently, my friend’s daughter nearly died of anorexia in her arms. They went through two years of hell. They had to go through a long treatment process, and, thank God, the girl eventually recovered. However, the fear is that an eating disorder is a mental illness that cannot be completely cured! The illness may recede, but there is always a chance that a new wave would come in.

So, how can we, mothers, educate our girls in terms of nutrition? How to find this middle ground without going too far with nutritional discipline? One of the tips given to me by a friend who went through a whole treatment process with her daughter, recovering from an eating disorder, is not to focus on weight and, if possible, offer healthy meals in the family. You shouldn’t tell a teenage girl things like, “stop eating, you’ll get fat,” or “you can’t eat that”, or the seemingly harmless “you see, you stopped eating pasta, and look how great you look.” Or here is the most horrifying example: “If you are fat, no one will marry you!” What a nightmare!
In no way, food should become a motivator for a young girl. It is worth developing other motivations. A young girl should love herself and her body from an early age, and the task of every mother is not just to play the role of a housewife, but a subtle psychologist who can help her daughter develop self-love and a confident body image. Yes, you can be imperfect, yet still feel very happy! It is possible!!!

Author: Masha Lopatova